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An Effective Guideline To Writing Academic Essays

By cooladmin on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 in No Comments

Since the complexity and nuances of an academic essay are challenging to meet, students often opt for the pay someone to do my essay UK facility. The only setback is that most of the academic forums offering this service are outrageously exp ensive. Hence, students focus on priming their own writing skillset.

So, to make things easier for them, an effective guideline regarding academic essays is discussed below. It will help clear many doubts and uncertainties.

  • Understand the question:

    The foremost step in writing an academic essay is to understand the topic. What is the question? Do you understand the “why”, “what”, and “how” of the subject? Do you need any clarification? Students often hasten the process of writing as they either are not interested in pending it any longer than it needs to or they’re insecure about their incompetent skills. However, the right way to begin the journey of writing an academic piece is to sit with the topic for some time. Analyse the demands, highlight the keywords, and do proper research.

  • Learn the nuances of different types of essays:

    As there are several different types and formats of essays, it is critical to understand the intricacies of each. If you’re composing an expository essay, you need to emphasise on the factual knowledge and lead with a scientific approach. On the contrary, if you’re writing a reflective piece, the emphasis must be put on the emotions and subjective experience. A competent writer would have the expertise to distinguish between different styles. Therefore, when you’re assigned a topic, evaluate it properly to decide the approach.

  • Respect the argument of previous authors:

    When you’re asked to write an academic essay, you’ll come across the work published by other authors. Now, your argument doesn’t need to be supportive of their research. In fact, your paper could stand for an opposite point of view. The key here is to be respectful of other’s viewpoints and not be quick to dismiss it. Don’t undermine your work or theirs. Focus on developing your argument and bring authenticity to it. Your aim should be to add more value to the subject itself.

  • Follow the quote with a suitable explanation:

    A mistake that is often detected in academic papers is that students quote the work produced by other authors and then swiftly change the topic. Don’t jump from one point to another without proper examination. A great writer would always analyse and conclude a point and then move to the next. This explanation would help readers better understand your theory and argument. Failure to maintain this strategy would lead to unclear and confused writing.

  • Provide relevant examples:

    The most fundamental feature of an academic essay is examples. It is easier for the writers to find information and incorporate it. However, that doesn’t satisfy the purpose of academic writing. When students are assigned a task of this nature, they expect to see how they understand the topic and if they can apply it practically. Therefore, as a writer, you have to ensure that you present your arguments and validate them by creating examples. Although the concepts can be explained through analogies and metaphors, it is rather effective if real-world applications are utilised.

  • Be articulate and precise:

    The words you select to write the paper hold paramount significance. It wouldn’t be even a slight exaggeration to say that precise writing is a skill that most individuals lack the aptitude for. Hence, the trick is to stay relevant to the topic and explain without unnecessarily complicating sentences. Moreover, don’t claim anything if you don’t have proper evidence to back it up.

    In addition to this, young writers have the habit of using filler words. Since academic essays are lengthier in terms of word count, they tend to benefit from filler words. However, due to this reason, several inconsistencies and redundant thoughts circulate through the paper, making it immature and tacky. Therefore, focus on developing the thesis by gathering information and conducting extensive research.

    Also, by sectioning the essay into separate entities, the writing becomes clearer. Therefore, there should be an introductory paragraph, and segmented main body, and a conclusive body. Be specific, precise, and articulate.

  • Inculcate concrete information:

    As mentioned above, the writing should have clarity and precision. To make this possible, the writer has to do extensive research and examine diverging theories and arguments. Moreover, before inculcating any piece of information, the writer should verify it to ensure that it is reliable and guaranteed. Hence, it is advised that students gather information from authentic sources as it reduces the chances of incorporating irrelevant and inaccurate information. Addition of baseless information only leads to the development of a poor argument.

  • Use correct grammar:

    Grammar is the soul of writing. The grammatical operators and words are the building blocks, and the argument is the final result. Therefore, it is recommended that writers learn the nuances of punctuation ad grammatical operators before using them. For example, have a clear understanding of when a colon is used and where you can use a comma. These are minor details that hold prominent value. Therefore, be vigilant and proofread the content once you’re done writing.

  • Check the word limit:

    It has already been established that word count is usually higher in academic essays. However, some students can’t grasp the significance of the word limit. On the one hand, some writers don’t meet the word count, while on the other, there are ones who exceed it on purpose. These instructions should be taken seriously; otherwise, students can lose out on serious marks.

  • Answer the following questions:

    There are two instances where you have to ponder the following questions. The first time is when you’re plotting the outline of the essay and the second when you’ve produced the first draft. The questions are as follows.

    • Is the opening paragraph interesting enough to grab the attention of the reader?
    • What is the purpose of this essay?
    • Is it structured correctly?
    • Are there any loopholes in the argument?

These questions are basic, yet they hold fundamental value.

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